Tuesday, May 6

Rainy Season Na?!

I just got back from BORA... I came there with my aunt's family. I shared a room with my cousin. I had fun. I'm really a beach lover so... Anyway, Boracay is getting worse! It stinks and the beach is full of trash. It is really alarming. If nothing is done about it, pretty soon, no one will go there anymore. Calling the agencies involved and the tourists as well, please do your share. Don't trash the beaches!

Havaianas had its make your own event again in Rockwell. My mom, sister, and brother came. I asked them to make me one. Gave them instructions on what to do and....

I like it! It's really personalized!

I watched IRON MAN with my office-mate YNEZ in TRINOMA.. I liked the movie although my heart kept beating fast the whole time. For me, it was a suspense sci fi flick... or maybe it was just the coffee.. hahaha.. Watch the movie. I'm not fond of superhero/comic/marvel stuff but I liked the movie so... there..

Can't wait to watch Ploning tom!

Oooh... I'm a Regular employee now! woopee!!!

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