Friday, March 28


Ooooh.. I haven't blogged for a really long time... I have replaced my 8gb iPod nano with an 8gb iPod touch. It is a very interesting gadget. It can hold a couple of videos, songs, games, useful software, and of course, it has wifi, mail, and safari. It keeps me busy when I have nothing else to do wherever I go.
We also said goodbye to the blue Optra. We now have a cute vios. I'd love to bond with it just like the Optra. hahaha... labo!

I, together with other soap opera watching Filipinos, said goodbye to Marimar. I even attended her "wedding reception." hahaha.. Soon, the Philippines will say hello to Dyesebel and hopefully, they would embrace her story as well.

okidoki... that's it! ;-)

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